Friday 20 August 2010

Version 1.2 of Simple MPG is out now

A number of Simple MPG customers (yes people are buying it) are from the US. So I've added a feature that allows you to convert to US miles per gallon as well and imperial.

To change the setting open the menu and select "Settings"to open the settings screen. This contains one setting for controlling which type of gallon is used.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.


Friday 13 August 2010

Simple MPG has been released

Simple MPG is a very simple application that allows you to work out your car's fuel economy.

You enter the amount of fuel you've put into your car (in litres) and the distance you have travelled. Simple MPG will then tell you the economy in miles per gallon.

You may ask why bother? There are a number of apps that do this already and are much more comprehensive. The answer is simple; a friend of mine wanted an app that just did this and nothing else. All of the other apps are way too complicated. So I figured if she wanted it then some others might.

You might also ask, why charge for it?

Given the app is so simple I didn't want people to download it and then slate it for being so simple. I wanted to charge a token amount to deter the casual downloader. The aim is not to make a living off the app.

If you have any questions or comments then please feel free to leave a comment.

 Click here on your Android device to visit the market an purchase the app.


Thursday 12 August 2010

This is GroovyApps

GroovyApps is a software engineer who writes mobile apps in his spare time.

I will be launching the frist app very soon, so watch this space.
